Friday, July 9, 2010

C Cycle 14th Sunday – July 4th 2010

C Cycle 14th Sunday – July 4th 2010
The New York Times Bestseller for 2004 was the book by Rick Warren entitled, ‘The Purpose Driven Life.’ The book sold over 10 million copies and sales are still soaring.
The book answers the basic question, “What on earth am I here for?” And really think about it; what on earth are we here for? If the sales of the book are any indication, more that 10 million people are asking the same question. A senior citizen, who is 85 years old, is asking this question. She wishes her life was with God now. She is all the more distressed because her daughter who is merely 55 years old is on the verge of death because of cancer. My Aunt is also asking the question, ‘What on earth am I here for?’ I met a young 36 year old mother of two in St. Louis last week. Her healthy husband died while jogging in a park? She is asking the same question; ‘What on earth am I here for?’ I know a friend of mine who find no meaning in her marriage but is merely continuing it for the sake of her two children. She is asking the question, ‘What on earth am I here for?’ Many people in the United States are asking the same question. Especially in the context of the war they are asking, ‘What on earth are we here for?’ And there are serious debates about this issue. In light of the priests abuse scandal there are lot of bishops and priests who are asking the question, ‘What on earth are we here for?’ Not just people in crisis but ordinary people, especially the young, ask this question often. I have often asked this question myself.

First, Jesus gives us a sense of purpose. The twelve apostles of Jesus, the seventy-two disciples we hear of, in today’s gospel and letter of St Paul were all people like us who had a career, a means of livelihood, and some of them even a family. By the very fact that Jesus calls them and says, “follow me,” gives them a new purpose. “What on earth am I here for?’ is an easy question for them. St. Paul would say, I bear the mark of Christ on my body. While our calling may not be as dramatic as the calling of the disciples, by our baptism, we have a new purpose too. ‘What on earth am I here for?’ The simple answer is, “For Jesus.” Yes you may be an engineer, a teacher, a lawyer, a student or working at home. But none of these is our real purpose. Our real purpose is to belong to Christ, to be his followers, to be his disciples. To go through my life, with Jesus as my master and Lord, Savior and friend, then that is what I am on earth for.

Second Jesus gives us a mission.
Jesus takes his disciples even further. He not merely gives them a purpose but a mission. HE sends them out two-by-two. And where are they sent? He sends them before him to towns and villages, where he would visit.. They are to prepare the town or village for him. We too are sent by Jesus with a mission. We too prepare the towns and places we go for Jesus. Thank about your work place as the place which Jesus would visit. How many years have you worked there? How have you prepared the place? Think about your family as the place Jesus would visit. Think about the friends your visit during your free time as a place Jesus would visit. Think about the hair dresser, your car service place a place Jesus would visit. Think about your class room as a place Jesus would visit. To prepare the place for Jesus, that is our mission.
Third, Jesus gives us a message.
Jesus not merely gives us purpose and a mission; he also gives us a message. The message that Jesus told his disciples to talk about is “Peace be with you.” In fact the disciples came back rejoicing saying, that “Even demons are subject to us.” ‘What on earth am I here for?’ To spread the message of peace! I am here to defeat the demons of violence and war, the demons of revenge and unforgiveness, the demons of poverty and injustice. The demon of selfish, for example, destroys homes and families. The demon of irresponsible behavior destroys careers. The demon of prejudice destroys society. The demon of infidelity destroys marriage and friendship. Yes! Go out like Jesus says, and let us prepare the way of peace of Jesus.

If we reflect on these things, we have the answer to the question, ‘What on earth am I here for?’ Let our sense of purpose stem from this Eucharist. Amen.